Analysing High Risk Roads
One of the key responsibilities of local authorities and police forces is to review locations where there are high collision rates. Understanding which roads are high-risk and which are safer than average is difficult without access to large datasets, and a comprehensive set of analytical tools. RiskMap provides quick and easy-to-interpret answers which has attracted attention from many clients in different sectors keen to see place-based risk analysis on roads, near transport hubs, or for individual road user groups.
Agilysis have been supplying local roads collision analysis for a number of years with customers from local authorities as well as large fleets. Our methodologies have been honed by constant conversations with end users and an increased use of cutting-edge technology. We have advanced our methods sufficiently to be able to provide a large quantity of analysis for the whole of GB, or individual areas.
Our data is regularly updated and comes from reliable sources, and we are also able to incorportate custom data supplied by clients subject to negotiation.
Network Properties
- Supplied as a GIS file
- Plotted on a bespoke Agilysis road network covering all classified roads and suitable for analysis and visualisation
- Routes comprise separate road sections including major intersections for separate analysis
- Uses most recent 5 year’s crash data (currently 2015 – 2019)
- Traffic count points from official sources
Metrics per link
- Total crashes
- Road length
- Road class (M, A, B, unclassified)
- Rurality (urban / rural)
- Crash density (collisions per km)
- Risk index (density) by road class and rurality
- Crash rate (collisions per million vehicle miles)*
- Risk index (rate) by road class and rurality*
- Crash counts for individual road user groups (pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists, goods vehicles)
- Bespoke options available for vehicle and road user types
- Road environment factors e.g. weather also available depending on client requirements
- Multiple uses for scheme prioritisation (local authorities), enforcement locations (police), route planning (fleet management), driver warnings (OEM, apps)

UK Public Sector
Single User
Full network map for your area
Pricing for local authorities, police forces, and fire & rescue services. Larger areas for regions and partnerships available on request.Outputs include:
- Network map and collision metrics
- Hotspot analysis using chosen criteria
- Offline maps for use within your organisation

National and other sectors from
Access data for the whole country or bespoke areas
- Motorways - £3.00 per km
- A Roads - £1.00 per km
- B Roads - £0.75 per km
- All other roads - £0.25 per km
- (subject to £2,500 minimum purchase)
Delivery includes:
- Network map and collision metrics
- Offline maps for use within your organisation
- Perpetual licence

Extra User
Additional named user