Roads Policing Review – Call for Evidence
July 22nd, 2020 - 2:00 PM
On 13 July the Government published a call for evidence on the future of roads policing. It seeks information on a fundamental questions, about current and future policing arrangements. It will feed into the ongoing joint review being undertaken by the DfT, Home Office and NPCC. The HMICFRS report is also imminent – reportedly “damning".
This webinar will focus on the scope of the Call – what are the issues raised, and how can the policing and road safety communities best respond. It will be a discussion amongst diverse panellists, and questions and comments from participants.
The webinar will be hosted by David Davies, PACTS Executive Director with the following panel members:
Richard Owen
Richard Owen
Over a decade of road safety management experience in the public and private sector
Specialist in data analysis and visualisation
An expert in enforcement management and UK road legislation
Proven ability to lead large multi-agency partnerships, achieving consensus and progressing the joint aims of diverse agencies.
Excellent verbal and written communications skills with substantial experience of working with the media.