High quality connected vehicle data goes live

High quality connected vehicle data goes live

Agilysis is well known for the connected vehicle data underpinning its tools such as the speed compliance tool which provides a low cost solution to triaging an entire road network.

Now we've gone one step further and partnered with TomTom to provide even more detailed and high quality data.

Traffic Insights brings together high quality connected vehicle data from our Partners TomTom and the expertise of Agilysis to provide the best insight into vehicle speeds and congestion on the network.

With this new data it allows you to view  every hour, for the past 10 years, or to view data from just 24 hours ago. The greatest benefit of the new Traffic Insights data is that it is ideal for establishing baselines and running evaluation schemes.

Because of its highly accurate data for vehicle speeds, flow and congestion, Traffic Insights was key to providing the up-to-date data essential in the Wales 20mph impact report. The substantial sample sizes and quick access to the data allowed for robust analysis in an instant.