June Webinar Series

June Webinar Series

Following the continued success of our webinars supporting the industry, we are pleased to announce that throughout the month of June, we will be running an all new series of webinars looking at the latest evidence and highlighting key areas of interest in Road Safety.
The series will kick off with an overview from Richard Owen of the Round Table report looking at developing and measuring safety performance indicators at a sub-national level.
The following week, Tanya Fosdick will be joined by Nicola Wass from So-Mo to discuss road traffic and injury risk in ethnic minority populations and how community insights can help practitioners understand local safety challenges.
Our third webinar in this series will focus on a study funded by the Road Safety Trust looking at rural speeds in Surrey and how effective reducing speed limits on rural roads is.
Finally at the end of the month we will be taking a deep dive into a study lead by Kent County Council around the implementation of 20mph limits where we will be joined by Jamie Watson, Senior Schemes Programme Manager from KCC.

Safety Performance Indicator report

Tuesday 7th June

Hosted by: Richard Owen

Ethnicity and Road Safety

Tuesday 14th June

Hosted by: Tanya Fosdick

Rural Speeds

Tuesday 21st June

Hosted by: Tanya Fosdick

20mph Limits

Tuesday 28th June

Hosted by: Dan Campsall